By: Alli Sweigard, VISTA F3 Communications Coordinator

Over 20 students gathered to hear Vineet Kohli, Legal Counsel and Director of Intellectual Property at BlueNalu,
provide valuable insight on patentability considerations. The seminar, “Is your research the big catch?,” was organized by the university’s Office of Technology, Innovation, and Industry Relations, and aimed to equip current and future innovators with industry expertise on patent creation.Kohli emphasized the significance of novelty as a crucial factor when drafting a patent, highlighting that a lack of novelty can result in the rejection of a patent application. He also introduced key phrases commonly used in the patent process, such as “unexpected results,” “teaching away,” and “failure of others.” Notably, Kohli mentioned that anyone who can become a patent agent does not require you to graduate from a law school and encouraged students to look into this career path.