Program Overview 

The Farms, Food, Future Innovation Initiative at UC Merced believes anyone can be an innovator.  

The F3 Feed the Planet Ideation Grant is designed to provide students with funds to pursue their innovative, creative, and/or entrepreneurial passions.  The award is open to all majors and for all levels of UC Merced students (first year through graduate students). These awards are designed to spark innovation on campus and yield rapid and effective results.  

Imagine a world where sustainable agriculture meets innovation. Where food security is a global concern for a growing population, there are few more virtuous problems to attack with creativity, collaboration and research than agriculture and food. With your friends and classmates, come up with an idea to make agriculture and food systems better for the people who grow, process, transport the food, for the people who eat the food, and for the soil, water, air systems and ecosystems affected by agriculture.  

The F3 Feed the Plant Ideation Grant combines commitment to doing better with the talent of UC Merced innovators.  

While not prescriptive, all applicants must clarify the connection to the food and agriculture system.  We give preference to projects that have one or more of the following components: 

  • Real-world problem-focused 
  • Inclusive of many potential beneficiaries  
  • Team-Based 
  • Interdisciplinary 
  • Entrepreneurial Activity 
  • Use of AI or novel technology 
  • Attention to climate change, sustainability and technology 

Below is a list of projects that we don’t fund: 

  • Projects for a class 
  • Projects for a student club 
  • Projects whose intent is for one person to make something for themselves 

Program Logistics

  • Anticipated Project Duration: 0 – 12 months (must be a UC Merced student when the project commences) 
  • Award Size: Up to $1,500 
  • Anticipated # of Awards: 8-10 per academic year 

Use of Funds

Allowable Expenses 

  • Materials & Supplies for the project 
  • Software Licensing Fees 
  • Other expenses as approved during the application process 
  • Event food (i.e. for a hackathon or partner meeting) 

Unallowable Expenses 

  • Consultants 
  • Self-Pay 
  • Advertising & Marketing 


Application due 2/15/2025 11:59p. Components for the application are:  

  • Project Description 
  • Project Impact 
  • Inclusive Innovation statement 
  • Timeline 
  • Team members expertise and roles 
  • Budget and Budget Justification 

Awardees are required to participate in: 

  • Training on F3 and funding,  
  • Presentations on progress,  
  • LinkedIn Group, and  
  • Specified F3 events.  

Additional questions regarding topics of interest, process or application can be addressed to Leigh Bernacchi,  

We look forward to seeing your ideas to Feed the Planet!