By: Alli Sweigard, VISTA F3 Communications Coordinator

VISTA F3 at UC Merced hosted a captivating tech talk on March 13th, featuring Priscilla Koepke, the CEO and co-founder of Vesper AI. The event provided students with insights into the journey of a tech CEO and entrepreneur.

Koepke shared her experiences and advice with the attendees, drawing from her corporate background and entrepreneurial endeavors. She emphasized the importance of continuous learning in the rapidly evolving landscape of technology. “Never stop learning. Once you leave these classrooms, don’t stop,” she urged, highlighting the necessity of staying up to date with technological advancements.

Networking was another crucial aspect of Koepke’s discourse. She emphasized the significance of building connections and leaving a positive impression on people. “Many of the jobs that I had to date came because of my networks of people I’ve met along the way,” she said.

Koepke’s journey highlighted the power of ambition and perseverance. “Be ambitious. Don’t give up. Just keep on working. Keep on fighting for what you believe in,” she encouraged, advocating for a growth mindset and continuous effort towards one’s career goals.

Her commitment to cybersecurity awareness stood out as her drive to work in the tech industry. She stressed the importance of integrating cybersecurity infrastructure early on in startup ventures. “A lot of startups don’t ever think about cybersecurity until much later, when it’s almost too late,” she said, emphasizing the need for proactive measures in addressing cybersecurity challenges.

The session served as a source of inspiration and motivation for students, providing them with valuable insights into the realities of the tech industry post-graduation. Koepke’s journey offered a glimpse into the challenges and opportunities that await aspiring professionals in the tech world.

The tech talk session with Priscilla Koepke shed light on the paths to success in the dynamic realm of technology and entrepreneurship. It spotlighted the importance of continuous learning, networking, ambition, and a proactive approach to addressing industry challenges, leaving students with lessons to carry forward in their own career journeys after college.