EBID's Groundwater Resources Director
Dr. Fuchs specializes in quantitative hydrology with interests including connectivity physics and groundwater resilience in conjunctive use irrigated agricultural systems. He was born in New Mexico and raised on a small ranch near Capitan and completed his academic degrees in Range and Watershed Science (BS), Range Hydrology (MS), and Water Science and Management (Ph.D.) with an emphasis in Quantitative Hydrology and Agricultural Water Resources at New Mexico State University. Prior to joining the EBID, he spent twelve consecutive years as a water resource and water rights manager for the New Mexico Office of the State Engineer and has dealt with many complex water rights matters involving irrigation, municipal and industrial water providers, mutual domestic and private water suppliers, environmental interests, adjudication of water rights, and state and federal agencies. Dr. Fuchs has over twenty years of applied experience in New Mexico water issues, is the principal of Fox Consulting providing water rights related and general hydrology guidance and has served as an expert witness on several occasions.